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HomeLatest JobsAir Force Airmen Group Y (Non-Technical) Medical Assistant Trade 2024 Rally Notification...

Air Force Airmen Group Y (Non-Technical) Medical Assistant Trade 2024 Rally Notification Out

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The Indian Air Force presents openings for INDIAN / GORKHA MALE CITIZENS (NEPALESE SUBJECT) hailing from Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and the Union Territories of J&K, Chandigarh & Ladakh, to enlist as Airmen in the Group ‘Y’ category, specializing in the Medical Assistant trade. The Recruitment Test is scheduled to take place at Base Repair Depot, Air Force, Chandigarh, following the selection timetable provided below.

Air Force Airmen Group Y
03 July 2024
12 July 2024
Group ‘Y’/
Medical Assistant
Group ‘Y’/ of J&K, Chandigarh & Ladakh
Medical Assistant
(For candidates holding Diploma / B.Sc in
Physical Fitness Test, Written Test,
Adaptability Test – II & Medical
All the districts of States of Punjab,
Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and UTs
of J&K, Chandigarh & Ladakh

Note: Registration for the rally will start at 1100 hrs on 22 May 2024 and will close at 2300 hrs on 05 June 2024 on web portal Only registered candidates issued with Provisional Admit Card are allowed to appear in the Recruitment

  1. The recruitment test shall be conducted as per the details given above. Only candidates fulfilling the domicile requirements (as mentioned at
    Para 1) and eligibility conditions are to report as per the date and time mentioned in Provisional Admit Card at the Rally Venue.
    Note: Candidates are to report at the designated rally venue on scheduled date/time as mention


Marital Status and Date of Birth Block
(a) Medical Assistant trade (For candidates with 10+2). Candidate should be unmarried and born between 02 January 2004 and
02 January 2008 (both dates inclusive).
(b) Medical Assistant trade (For candidates with Diploma / B.Sc in Pharmacy). Unmarried candidate should be born between
02 January 2001 and 02 January 2006 (both dates inclusive). Married candidate should be born between 02 January 2001 and
02 January 2004 (both dates inclusive).

  1. Educational Qualification
    (a) Candidate should have passed 10+2 / Intermediate / Equivalent Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English from
    Education Boards recognised by Central, State and UT with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and with 50% marks in English

Applicants should meet one of the following criteria:

a) Completion of a two-year Vocational Course with non-vocational subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English from Education Boards recognized by Central, State, and UT, with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks and 50% marks specifically in English.

b) Possession of a Diploma/B.Sc in Pharmacy. Candidates must have cleared their Intermediate/10+2/Equivalent Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English, securing a minimum aggregate of 50% marks, with at least 50% marks in English. Additionally, candidates should hold a Diploma/B.Sc in Pharmacy with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks and valid registration from either the State Pharmacy Council or Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) at the time of enrollment.


  1. Only Education Boards recognized by Central, State, and UT for 10+2 or equivalent qualifications will be considered.
  2. The exact aggregate percentage of marks as mentioned in the marks sheet of 10+2/Intermediate/Equivalent/Diploma/B.Sc in Pharmacy or as per the regulations of the respective Education Board will be taken into account. For instance, 49.99% will be considered as 49% and not rounded off to 50%.
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5.Domicile Requirement: To participate in the recruitment rally at Base Repair Depot, Air Force, Chandigarh, candidates must meet the following conditions:

a) The educational institution from which candidates have completed their qualifying examination must be located within the geographical/administrative boundaries of the districts of States specified in Para 1. If the institution’s name does not include the State/District in the certificate/marksheet of the qualifying examination, candidates must provide a ‘Domicile Certificate’ issued by a Gazetted Officer in the Revenue Department or any other official authorized by the State Government.

b) Candidates from the permanent domicile districts of States mentioned in Para 1, who have completed their qualifying examination from anywhere in India, must provide a Domicile Certificate from the appropriate authority mentioned in sub-paragraph 5 (a) before the commencement of the examination.

c) Sons of serving Air Force personnel (Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit Cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates), regardless of their domicile status, may participate in the rally upon presenting the latest SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel) Certificate (available format on if their father/mother is currently serving in any Air Force Unit/other Organization in the districts of States mentioned in Para 1.

d) Sons of Air Force personnel (Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit Cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates) whose father/mother is Retired/Discharged/Deceased and residing in the districts of States mentioned in Para 1, can participate in the rally with proof of a minimum one-year stay along with the original and photocopy of Service Book/Discharge Book/Casualty Service Certificate/Service Particular Certificate (issued from DPO-3/DAV, as applicable) for Officers/Airmen/NCs(E), and a certificate signed by OIC Civil Admin and countersigned by CO/C Adm O of the last served unit for Civilians.

Mandatory Medical Standards:

a.Height: Minimum height requirement is 152.5 cms.

b.Chest: Chest should be well-proportioned and developed, with a minimum expansion range of 5 cms.

c.Weight: Weight should be proportionate to height and age as per IAF standards.

d.Hearing: Candidates should have normal hearing, able to hear a forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters by each ear separately.

e.Dental: Candidates should have healthy gums, a good set of teeth, and a minimum of 14 dental points.

f.Visual Standards: Vision requirements are specified as follows:

Trades Visual Acuity Maximum limits of Refractive Error Colour Vision
Medical Assistant 6/36 each eye, correctable to 6/9 each eye Not exceeding + 3.50D including Astigmatism CP-III

g.Corneal surgery (LASIK/RK/PRK) is not acceptable.
Candidates using spectacles for corrected vision must bring the latest prescription (not older than one month), bearing the diopter measurement, ophthalmologist’s details, and date of prescription.

h.General Health: Candidates should have normal anatomy without loss of appendages, free from any medical or surgical disability, communicable diseases, infections, or skin ailments, and physically and mentally fit for duty in any climate and terrain.

7.Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance (NDPS) Consumption: Consumption or possession of banned substances under the NDPS Act 1985 will lead to rejection from IAF selection. Airmen found in possession or consuming such substances after enrollment will face disciplinary action, including dismissal.

8.Body Tattoos: Permanent body tattoos are not allowed except for specific areas such as the inner face of the forearms, back of the hand, or palm for Tribals with tattoos based on customs and traditions. Offensive or indecent tattoos are strictly prohibited, with the final decision resting with the Selection Centre.

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9.Sikh Candidates: Sikh candidates adhering to religious practices prohibiting cutting hair or shaving the face are allowed to retain hair, beard, and mustache, provided they meet specified criteria.

10.Former Military Personnel: Candidates discharged from Indian Army/Indian Navy/other Government Organizations must provide a discharge certificate with no adverse entries. Serving individuals require a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer.

  • Document Requirements: Candidates must bring various documents including educational certificates, photographs, domicile proof, consent forms, etc. for verification. Failure to produce original documents may result in rejection.
  • Consent Form: Candidates must submit a consent form for physical fitness and medical tests, signed by themselves or their parent/guardian if below 18 years of age.
  • Terms and Conditions:

Tenure & Training: Initial enrollment is for 20 years, extendable up to the age of 57 years. Training includes Joint Basic Phase Training (JBPT) followed by trade-specific training. Successful completion of training leads to deployment as per IAF requirements.

(Applicable in respect of candidates both above and below 18 years of age)
I, ………………….son/father/guardian of ……………………..whose date of birth is …………. do hereby give my consent for myself/son/ward to
appear in the physical fitness/medical tests, as prescribed for selection in the Indian Air Force, at my/his own risk. I am aware that no compensation
in any form shall be claimed, in respect of injuries/casualty if any, sustained by myself/ my son/my ward, during such tests.
Name of candidate/parent/guardian………………
Relationship with the candidate…………………..
Note: Candidates below 18 years of age are to get the consent form signed by their parent / guardian. However, candidates
above 18 years of age can sign the consent form themselve

Pay & Allowances: Stipend during training is Rs. 14,600/- per month, with starting gross emoluments of Rs. 26,900/- per month upon completion. Various allowances are provided as per government instructions.
Higher Education: Airmen can pursue higher education after acquiring prescribed skills and years of service.
Perks: Airmen receive various perks including ration, clothing, medical facilities, accommodation, leave, recreational facilities, etc.

Job Specification: Medical Assistants are trained in nursing, first-aid, medical store management, ward supervision, and other Air Force duties.

Selection Procedure:

Eligibility Verification: Original documents are verified to ascertain prima facie eligibility. Detailed verification is conducted for candidates passing Physical Fitness and Written Tests.
Note: Original documents are returned to candidates after verification.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT): The PFT comprises a 1.6 Km run to be completed within 7 minutes (for candidates up to 21 years) and 7 minutes 30 seconds (for candidates above 21 years with Diploma/B.Sc in Pharmacy). Additionally, candidates must complete 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, and 20 squats within the stipulated time to qualify. Candidates should bring sports shoes and appropriate attire. Detailed instructions on technique are available on the CASB web portal.

Written Test: Candidates qualifying the PFT undergo a Written Test on the same day. The test is objective and bilingual (English & Hindi), except for the English section. The duration is 45 minutes, comprising English (20 questions) and Reasoning & General Awareness (30 questions) as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus. Candidates must qualify each paper separately, and results are declared on the same day.

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Adaptability Test-II: Candidates passing the Written Test undertake Adaptability Test-II, assessing their ability to adapt to the environment and military lifestyle of the Indian Air Force.

Medical Examination: Qualified candidates undergo a medical examination at SMC, Air Force Station Ambala, in July 2024, conducted by Air Force Medical Team as per IAF standards. Baseline investigations include blood tests, urine analysis, biochemistry, X-ray, ECG, and additional tests if necessary. Candidates declared unfit may appeal through Appeal Medical Board (AMB) by depositing Rs. 40/- within three days of examination.

The Recruitment Medical Officer and Armed Forces specialists have final authority on declaring candidates fit or unfit. Armed Forces standards apply, and there is no provision for representation or review after the AMB.
Registration Fee: Candidates pay a registration fee of Rs. 100/- plus GST online using Debit/Credit Cards, Internet Banking, or UPI. Detailed instructions are provided on the payment gateway, and multiple payments are refunded after reconciliation.

Refund Policy: Fee once paid is non-refundable, and candidates submitting multiple applications will have only one accepted, with fees not refunded for rejected applications.
General Instructions:

(a) Candidates must carry their AADHAAR Card for identity verification. Those from specified regions without AADHAAR should carry another valid photo ID.
(b) Candidates must arrange for their stay during the tests, with no TA/DA provided.
(c) Active email ID and mobile number are mandatory for communication throughout the selection process.
(d) Duplicate, incomplete, or erroneous applications will be rejected.
(e) Multiple applications by the same candidate will lead to rejection.
Provisional Select List (PSL) will be displayed at 1 Airmen Selection Centre, Ambala Cantt, and on the CASB web portal. Inclusion in the PSL does not guarantee enrollment, which is based on merit, medical fitness, age, and vacancies for Airmen Intake 01/2025, with a validity of six months from the display date.

If a candidate is absent, expresses unwillingness to join the IAF, or has their candidature cancelled in the trade for which they were called for enrolment, they will be marked accordingly in all other Provisional Select Lists (PSLs) for Airmen Intake published on the same date, wherever their name appears.

Enrolment List: The final list of candidates called for enrolment for Airmen Intake 01/2025 will be published on 28 November 2024. Call letters will be sent to candidates on their provided e-mail IDs.
In case of any discrepancy between the English and Hindi/any other regional language versions of the advertisement, the English version will be considered authentic.
Any corrigendum, changes, or updates will be available only on the official web portal No intimation will be given in newspapers or other media. Candidates are advised to regularly check the website for updates.

COVID-19 Instructions for Candidates:

(a) Candidates should adhere to all instructions and guidelines issued by Central/State Governments regarding COVID-19.
(b) Candidates showing symptoms of Influenza Like Illness (ILI) will not be allowed entry at the test venue to ensure the safety of others.

Air Force Airmen Group Y-Important Link

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