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HomeLatest JobsJPSC CDPO Result 2024, Check Expected Cut Off Marks, Merit List

JPSC CDPO Result 2024, Check Expected Cut Off Marks, Merit List

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The Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) recently conducted the Prelims Exam for Child Development Project Officer positions. This examination was concluded on 10 June 2024 at various examination centres.

It is crucial to know the JPSC CDPO Result to get these positions. This result will decide whether a candidate will get these positions or not. As per the official guidelines, the commission will publish the preliminary examination result on its official website, i.e., in the upcoming weeks. Candidates can access their results by visiting the commission’s official website.

JPSC CDPO Result 2024


Examination Name JPSC CDPO Examination-2024
Department Name Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC)
Post Name Child Development Project Officer (CDPO)
Total Vacancies 64
Exam Date 10 June 2024
Result Status to be declared
State Concerned Jharkhand
Official Website

The JPSC CDPO examination was organised to select the most deserving individuals to work as Child Development Project Officers at various state’s child developing sectors across Jharkhand. To be appointed as CDPOs, candidates are eagerly awaiting the result announcement. This official notification was released with 64 vacancies of project officer positions.

CDPO Prelims Exam Overview

This examination was well-organised to facilitate the candidate’s eligibility for becoming a Project Officer. This examination comprised two papers: Paper I for General Studies and Paper II for General Knowledge. The commission asked 200 questions in this examination, totalling 200 marks. Candidates had two hours to complete each paper.

See also  JPSC CDPO Admit Card 2024, Check Written Examination Schedule, Paper Pattern and Exam Scheme

Jharkhand CDPO Cut-Off Marks & Merit List

After completing the examination and evaluation, the commission will issue the cut-off marks and a merit list. The cut-off score is the minimum mark required to qualify for the next stage of the selection process. It varies each year based on factors such as the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the performance of the candidates.

For the JPSC CDPO exam, the expected cut-off scores are usually calculated based on previous years’ trends. Candidates should aim to score above the expected cut-off to increase their chances of selection.

Merit List

After declaring the exam results, the commission’s exam authority will publish a list of qualified candidates on the website. The merit list contains the top-scoring candidate’s name, roll number, passing status and overall percentages. Shortlisted candidates will be called for document scrutiny and personal interviews.

How to check the JPSC CDPO Result 2024?

Candidates should have their respective login details to check the result. Here are the steps to check the results accurately:

  1. Visit the commission’s official website i.e.
  2. Click the link “Recruitment of Child Development Project Officer Advt. No. 21/2023”.
  3. Now, you can see numerous links on this page.
  4. Click on the link to check the “JPSC CDPO Result 2024”.
  5. Fill in the required details into the given portal and submit it properly.
  6. The result will be displayed on the screen, which will be in the form of a PDF file format.
  7. Download the result PDF and check your results.
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