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Punjab Police Result 2024, PP Constable Exam Expected Cut Off, Shortlist for Next Stage

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The Punjab Police Department has conducted the written examination for the post of Police Constable, which was held from 01st July to 16 July 2024 at various examination centres. This examination is a highly anticipated event for many aspirants aiming to join the police force in Punjab. The exam, tests candidates on various parameters for this role. Thousands of candidates participated in this examination to get this opportunity.

Candidates who had taken this exam eagerly awaited the Punjab Police Constable Results, which are a crucial determinant of their future career path. The examination process included several stages, such as the written test, physical measurement test (PMT), and physical efficiency test (PET). The final results are a culmination of these stages, reflecting the overall performance of the candidates. The results are expected to be announced soon, and candidates are advised to stay updated with the official notifications from the Punjab Police Recruitment Board.

Punjab Police Constable Result 2024

punjab police result

Department Name Punjab Police Department
Post Name Police Constable
Exam Date 01st July to 16 July 2024
Result Status To be announced
State Concerned Punjab
Official Website

The Punjab Police Constable Result is a crucial milestone for all the candidates who appeared for the recruitment examination. This exam is a part of the recruitment process that the Punjab Police Department conducts to fill the vacancies in the constable cadre. The recruitment process began with the release of the official notification, followed by the submission of applications from eligible candidates, which was completed between 14 March to 04 April 2024.

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Shortlisted candidates will be able to get the Police Constable position, appointed at various departments of Punjab Police. The department announced a total of 1,746 vacancies, making it a significant opportunity for individuals aspiring to join the police force in Punjab. These vacancies are distributed across various categories and regions within the state, ensuring a fair representation and equal opportunity for candidates from different backgrounds.

Punjab Police Constable – Exam Overview

The department designed this examination to evaluate the knowledge and aptitude of aspiring candidates through a two-tiered written exam. The examination is structured into two papers, each focusing on different aspects of the candidates’ abilities.

Paper I: This paper comprised 100 objective-type multiple-choice questions, carrying a total of 100 marks. This paper was designed to test the candidates on various subjects, including general knowledge, reasoning, numerical ability, and language proficiency. Candidates had 2 hours to complete this paper, requiring them to demonstrate not only their knowledge but also their ability to manage time efficiently.

Paper II: This paper follows with 50 objective-type multiple-choice questions, each worth 1 mark, summing up to 50 marks. This paper is typically more focused, assessing the candidates’ understanding of specific topics relevant to the role of a constable. Candidates were allocated 60 minutes to complete this paper.

PP Constable – Result Preparation Process

The result preparation process is a meticulous and transparent procedure designed to ensure fairness and accuracy at every stage. Here’s how the process unfolds:

  • Release of Provisional Answer Key: Shortly after the written examination is conducted, the examination authority releases a provisional answer key. This key contains the correct answers to all the questions asked in the exam and is made available on the official website for candidates to review.
  • Objection Submission: Candidates are allowed to challenge any answers they believe to be incorrect in the provisional answer key. They can submit their objections within a specified time frame, providing necessary evidence or references to support their claims.
  • Review of Objections: Once the objection period is closed, the examination authority reviews all the submitted objections. A panel of experts meticulously examines each objection and makes corrections to the provisional answer key if necessary.
  • Final Answer Key: After the review process, a final answer key is prepared, reflecting any changes made based on valid objections. This final answer key is used for the evaluation of the candidates’ answer sheets.
  • Preparation of Merit List: Based on the scores obtained in the written examination, a merit list is compiled. This list ranks the candidates according to their performance, taking into account any applicable reservation policies. The merit list is crucial for determining which candidates will proceed to the next stages of the recruitment process, such as the physical measurement test (PMT) and physical efficiency test (PET).
  • Publication of Results: The final results, along with the merit list, are then published on the official Punjab Police Recruitment Board website. Candidates can access their scores and see where they stand on the merit list.
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Punjab Police Constable Expected Cut-Off Marks

Category Expected Cut-Off Marks
General (Male) 75-85
General (Female) 70-78
OBC (Male) 65-75
OBC (Female) 62-70
SC (Male) 54-60
SC (Female) 51-58
ST (Male) 50-55
ST (Female) 49-52

How to check the Punjab Police Result 2024?

Checking the Punjab Police Constable Result 2024 is a straightforward process. Candidates will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official website at
  2. Look for the “What’s New” section and find the link that mentions “Punjab Police Constable Result 2024”.
  3. Click on the result link, which will redirect you to a page where you need to enter your roll number and date of birth.
  4. After entering the details, click on the “Submit” button.
  5. Your result will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Download and print the result for future reference.

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