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HomeLatest JobsTNPSC Group 1 Result 2024, Check Preliminary Exam Expected Cut off Scores

TNPSC Group 1 Result 2024, Check Preliminary Exam Expected Cut off Scores

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The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) recently held the Combined Civil Services Examination (CCSE-2024) on 13 July 2024 across the state. This exam aims to fill 90 prestigious Group 1 administrative positions, including roles such as Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Category-1), and Assistant Commissioner (Commercial Taxes), among others.

The application process for these coveted positions began on 28 March 2024 and concluded on 27 April 2024. Candidates who appeared for the exam are now eagerly awaiting the release of the results. The commission’s examination authority is expected to declare the TNPSC Group 1 Result in the upcoming two-three months. Candidates can check the same from the official website using the application registration number and date of birth.

TNPSC Group 1 Result 2024

tnpsc group 1 result

Exam Name Combined Civil Services Exam (CCSE-2024)
Conducting Authority Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC)
Number of Vacancies 90
Posts Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendents of Police, Assistant Commissioner (Commercial Taxes), etc.
Exam Date 13 July 2024
Result Status To be announced

TNPSC Group 1 CCSE Exam Overview

The TNPSC Group 1 examination follows a rigorous selection process to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are chosen for these important administrative roles. The exam was conducted in various centres across Tamil Nadu, with thousands of candidates competing for a limited number of positions.

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The exam pattern typically includes multiple stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination: Objective-type questions covering general studies, aptitude, and mental ability.
  2. Main Examination: Descriptive type papers focusing on Tamil language, general studies, and optional subjects chosen by the candidates.
  3. Interview: The final stage assesses the candidate’s suitability for the administrative roles.

Exam Result Preparation Process

Preparing the TNPSC Group 1 result follows a systematic procedure to ensure fairness and transparency. Initially, a provisional answer key is released, allowing candidates to raise objections if they find any discrepancies. After reviewing these objections, a final answer key is published.

Subsequently, the answer sheets are evaluated based on the final answer key, and the scores are compiled. The merit list is then prepared, considering the cut-off marks for various categories. Finally, the results are announced, listing the candidates who qualify for the next stages of the selection process.

TNPSC Group 1 Expected Cut-Off Score

Based on previous years’ trends and the difficulty level of the 2024 examination, the expected cut-off scores for different categories are anticipated as follows:

Category of candidate Cut off for Male candidates Cut off for Female candidates
Unreserved 122-125 116-120
Backward class 118-122 112-115
Most backward class 115-118 112-116
Scheduled caste 112-115 115-118
Scheduled tribe 102-105 100-102

The cut-off marks are crucial as they determine which candidates will move forward to the next stage of the selection process. Basically, the exam cut-off marks are decided following some important facts as mentioned below:

  • Total number of vacancies
  • The number of candidates who appeared in the exam
  • Exam difficulty level
  • Previous year’s trends
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TNPSC Group 1 Previous Year Cut-off Marks

Year 2019

Category Male Candidates Female Candidates
General 120 118
MBC 115 114
BC 118 116
BC (M) 110 107
SC 111 117
ST 105 101

Year 2017

Category Male Candidates Female Candidates
General 120 119
MBC 116 115
BC 117 116
BC (M) 113 112
SC 110 111
ST 105 104

Year 2015

Category Male Candidates Female Candidates
General 125 123
MBC 120 118
BC 122 120
BC (M) 116 114
SC 115 114
ST 110 108

How to Check TNPSC Group 1 Exam Result?

Candidates can check their TNPSC Group 1 CCSE Result online by following these steps:

  1. Visit the Official TNPSC Website at
  2. Click on the ‘Results’ tab on the homepage.
  3. Choose ‘Group 1 Examination 2024’ from the list of results.
  4. Provide your registration number and other necessary details.
  5. Click on the ‘Submit’ button to view your result.
  6. Download and print your result for future reference.

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