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UPSC Prelims Result 2024, Check Civil Services IAS Preliminary Exam Expected Cut Off Marks

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The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted the Prelims Exam on 16 June 2024 to check the candidate’s eligibility for various administrative services in India. This recruitment drive plays a vital role in recruiting Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and other positions.

Every year, the UPSC conducts a highly competitive examination known as a Civil Service Examination (CCE) to select the most deserving individuals for public service. Thousands of candidates participated in this examination and waiting for the UPSC Prelims Result announcement.

The commission is expected to declare the result in the upcoming days. Candidates can access their results by providing their login details on its official website, i.e.

UPSC Prelims Result 2024

UPSC Civil Service Examination Result

Exam Name Civil Service Examination-2024
Conducted By Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Post Name IAS, IFS, IPS and others
Exam Date 16 June 2024
Prelims Result Announcement To be announced
Lob Location PAN India

UPSC Civil Service Examination (CSE) – Exam Overview

The Union Public Service Commission has conducted two papers on a single day, i.e. 16 June 2024, containing questions from General Studies. Both papers had 200 questions, totalling 200 marks (carrying one mark each). As per the instructions, 1/3rd marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. This examination was held in two languages: Hindi and English. Candidates must score at least 33% marks to qualify for this examination.

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UPSC CSE Cut-Off Marks

Once the written test result is declared, the commission will issue the category-wise cut-off marks for this examination, which sets the passing criteria of the examination. Those who get equal to or more than these marks will qualify for CSE. Check the expected cut-off marks here:

Category Expected Cut-Off Marks
General 85-90
EWS 76-81
OBC 83-88
SC 70-75
ST 63-68
PwBD 1 53-58
PwBD 2 53-58
PwBD 3 40-45
PwBD 5 42-47

UPSC CSE Prelims Exam Merit List

The commission will issue a merit list of shortlisting candidates for this examination. It contains the candidate’s name, roll number, subject-wise marks and overall passing percentages. The commission will release the prelims results with a merit list, which will be available on its official website i.e., in the upcoming weeks. The merit list will be in the form of a PDF file. Candidates can download the result file officially by visiting the commission’s official website.

How to check UPSC Prelims Exam Result 2024?

Candidates can use these steps to check their results:

  1. Visit the official website at
  2. Look for the “What’s New” section and find the link to check the “UPSC Civil Service Examination-2024 Result”.
  3. After finding the accurate link, fill in the required details.
  4. Now, verify the filled details and click on the submit button.
  5. Finally, check your respective results.
  6. Take a printout of the result sheet for further reference.
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